

creativeCoding Event by HitaHita

Welcome to #minacoding !!

Welcome to #minacoding! Let's make June a month where you can fully express your daily creativity and enjoy lots of creative coding!
The name #minacoding is a coined word combining "minazuki" meaning June in Japanese and "mina" meaning everyone!
I would be happy if this could be an opportunity to take a fresh look at the creative coding activities of various people globally, across many countries!

What is #minacoding?

#minacoding is a coding event centered around a monthly creative coding theme. This event has been running 3 years strong since 2022.

When is #minacoding?

Themes are given and carried out over a one-month period from June 1st to June 30th.
However, there is no need to stick to the set order. It is perfectly acceptable, for example, to work on June 17th's theme on June 1st. Also, there is no deadline for the completion of themes so feel free to work at a comfortable pace.
The important thing is that you, as you learn about the event, will be coding, so that a wide variety of work will come to the event and creative coders will be able to interact with each other.

How to join #minacoding?

The main feature of #minacoding is that it is very easy to participate.
You create a piece of work with your favourite programing tool (p5.js, processing, ..., touch designer, etc.) based on the day's theme.
Then post your work on social networks such as X or instagram with the hashtag #minacoding.
This will help us to collect a lot of work on #minacoding.
Please search for #minacoding and react to other creations to make it more exciting!